Saturday, July 27, 2013

Friday, July 26, 2013



 Sepia picture,
Two wrinkle-free faces smile,
At the wrinkles now.

Thursday, July 25, 2013

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

The Shadow of Your Smile



"Five minutes!", the text read.

He leaned against a light post and lit a puff. He hated waiting. He hated when she was late. Impatiently, he looked around. A young couple, holding hands, walked past him. The street dog was busy scratching its back. Some old love song drifted from the shop across the street.

He checked his watch. Ten minutes.

Then he heard. Scurried footsteps.

"You are late", he scowled, without turning back.

"How did you know it was me? You didn't even look back."

"I don't need to turn around. I could see the shadow of your smile".

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

The Time Keeper - A Review


"All around you, timekeeping is ignored. Birds are not late. 
A dog does not check its watch. Deer do not fret over passing birthdays. 
Man alone measures time. Man alone chimes the hour. And, because of this, 
man alone suffers a paralyzing fear that no other creature endures. 
A fear of time running out"
- Mitch Albom, The Time Keeper 

The Time Keeper by Mitch Albom, is a parable about what Time means to each of us, and depending on our perception, how it either flies or drags. This artistically woven fiction has three parallel running plots which get sutured together at the end. There is Dor, who invented world's first clock, and thus, became Father Time. There is Sarah Lemon, a present day plain-Jane who had experienced her first teenage heart-break. And there is an octogenarian Victor Delamonte, a rich and power-loving business man who is counting his last days.  

The story starts with Dor and his love Alli growing up in a quaint little village at a time when there  was no concept of Time. But Dor was special. Unlike his other friends around him, he was not power-hungry. All he did was count time. Till he discovered world's first sundial, first clock and first calendar. This obviously made Dor remain ahead of Time. But this came along as a bane to Dor. He was exiled in a cave for six thousand years for teaching Man how to count time. Dor is left alone in the cave, with the company of voices of people from Earth who complained about time running out and how they wished they had more and more time.

Finally, Dor is freed after six thousand years, but with a mission. He has to make two people on earth realize the value of time. And these two characters perceive time in an absolutely antagonistic manner. Young Sarah Lemon had been dumped by the boy she loved and life held no meaning for her. She was prepared to end her life when her case is handed over to Dor. In another part of the world, an ailing business man Victor, is fighting against life to buy some more time to earn some more money. He decides to cheat death when Dor intervenes. A series of intertwined events, leaves all the happy at the end.

Albom's writing style is fluent, lucid and definitely strikes a chord with the heart. The Time Keeper is a compelling tale, cleverly handled parallel plots and a feel good factor, cover to cover. This one is a not-to-miss for all.

Title: The Time Keeper
Author:  Mitch Albom
Publisher:  Little, Brown Book Group
Genre : Fiction
Price: Rs.499 (Hardcover)
Pages: 240
My Rating : ***** 

Monday, July 22, 2013

The Jasmine


A little jasmine flower,
Fragrant, yet fallen
on the wet brown earth.

That tiny jasmine flower,
Fallen, yet fragrant,
Adorns my tresses.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

The Birthday Gift


She promised me a gift. 
"Neel, it's the most priceless present I can afford!"
...and ever since, I've been waiting.
My birthday today. One with a dry mouth and fluttering tummy.

I was led into a room. 
Ah! There she was. And my gift!

"Happy Birthday, proud Father!" She placed a cherub in my arms.

Saturday, July 20, 2013



Shadow of your smile
Casted on my tender heart,
Love scarred forever.

Friday, July 19, 2013

The Jungle Book Trip

March 2011, my team at office decided to go for a trip to Kanha National Park, Madhya Pradesh. The trip ended up being on of the most memorable ones I have ever had, of course, because of the tigers we spotted but also because we did lot of pre-planning before the trip. As it was a safari to the jungles which inspired out very own Jungle Book by Rudyard Kipling, we decided to have a Jungle Book theme for our trip. We started off by choosing a character from the story for each of us, and then decided to have T-shirts printed with each of the character photographs. But alas, the time was too short and the printer asked for a humongous amount. But we were determined about wearing the tees, so we decided to paint them ourselves. And painting being something I am passionate about, I jumped into it with glee! 
And this is what came out at the expense of a whole Saturday afternoon in one of the office meeting rooms!



So, with the T-Shirts done, we were happy, excited, elated. We wore it while going for a early morning safari, and this is how we all looked.

Thank God, the printer guy didn't work out for us. I would have missed all the fun seeing my colleagues run around with paints and brushes, spilling them over, tumbling over water containers. And for that one single day, me, a then fresher in the team, was the project lead! Ah, what bliss!!!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Dear Diary - Page 1


Dear Diary,

I am a little happy and a little sad. I will tell you why I am happy and also why I am sad. 

Happy first,ok?
  1. I will turn six on Sunday. Mama says we shall have a party. I am happy.
  2. Buster licked my face today. He does that everyday. And I am happy.
  3. I got two As at school today. Mama kissed me for that. Yes yes, that made me happy.
  4. Irene invited me to her place on friday night for a pyajama party! Yippee! I am so so happy.
  5. I have finished all my homework for tomorrow and Mama said I can watch TV for a longer time today! Happy happy happy! 
Now sad, ok?
  1. Mama got me a packet of M&Ms. Orange is my favourite colour. And the packet had no orange M&Ms. Can you believe it? I am so sad.
  2. I pinched Liza because she pulled my hair. Mama said I am naughty. I cried. I am sad.
  3. I had two pink butterfly hair clips. Now one is gone. Mama doesn't know, but I am sad. 
Ok, only 3 sad and 5 happy things. So, I am more happy, less sad. I know 3>5 3 < 5, I learnt it at school. Now I will go and watch cartoon. I painted today afternoon, pasting it below for you, dear diary. 

Bye bye,

Wordless Wednesday


Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Boyfriend, Why You No Hero?


Yes, the title says it all! Why can't boyfriends in real life be like the blue-eyed romantic heroes of the daily soaps? Or maybe right out of the pages of old English classics? If authors could come up with eternal couples like Romeo-Juliet and Scarlett O'Hara-Rhett Butler, history witnessed the evergreen love stories of Shahjahan-Mumtaz and Laila-Majnu, Ekta Kapoor could create Mihir-Tulsi and Anurag-Prerna, then why not men today be like Romeo or Shahjahan or even Mihir Virani?

One advantage of being with the same guy for a prolonged period is that you know him inside out. You know his reaction to every situation. Come, let's have a look -

Situation 1 : My dupatta flies across his face

Hero : Eyes closed, feel the soft fabric, inhale every scent of mine that lingers in that 3 yards of cloth and wishes that the moment never ends.
Boyfriend : Oho! this bloody dupatta is restricting my vision. Baby, careful with your clothes.

Situation 2 : We are out for a walk, suddenly the air turns chilly

Hero : He'll invariably have a jacket covering him, which is is transferred from him to me in a speed which is directly proportional the onset of chill in the air.
Boyfriend : (Won't have a jacket, just like me) Baby, I did remind you to carry your jacket before leaving the house, right? See, you shouldn't have argued!

Situation 3 : I turn to leave, trip, and fall

Hero : His instincts are abnormally sharp and fast, he catches me before I hit the ground. And there we are, in a waltzing pose, gazes locked for what seems an eternity.
Boyfriend : (With a how-on-earth-did-she-fall look on his face) Baby, what happened? Watch your steps. Come, give me your hand, let me pull you up. From next time, look where you step, and not at the sky!

Situation 4 : We are on a long drive

Hero : His eyeballs keep shuttling between the road and me. Never misses a chance to brush his hands against mine while changing gears. A sudden daring moment may come when he would lean across to plant a peck on my cheek.
Boyfriend : (Eyes fixed on the road) Baby, did you fasten the seat belt? Baby, just check who's calling me on my cellphone - tell him I'm driving.

Disclaimer - Though this in not a work entirely based on fiction, any resemblance to any of your boyfriends/husbands is purely co-incidental.

P.S - My boyfriend may not lend me a jacket when I am cold, or catch me moments before I fall or steal a kiss, speeding on a highway, but he is an adorable guy, just the way he is!

Monday, July 15, 2013

Lootera - a Review


Cast: Ranveer Singh, Sonakshi Sinha, Barun Chanda, Vikrant Massey, Arif Zakaria, Adil Hussain, Divya Dutta
Director: Vikramaditya Motwane
Music Director : Amit Trivedi 
Released : 5th July 2013

My Rating : **** 

The experience of watching Lootera is like having continuous changing frames of beautiful paintings move across your eyes. With Vikramaditya Motwane's strong direction and Mahendra Shetty's poetic cinematography, this movie overcomes all its glitches and turns out to be a treat to the eyes and mind. Based on O'Henry's short story, The Last Leaf, Lootera is director Motwane's second venture after a very successful Udaan. 

The Plot

The story of Lootera is set in the 1950s Bengal. A sublime love develops between Pakhi, the zamindar's daughter and Varun, an archeologist who had arrived in Manikpur in quest of ancient civilization. Pakhi and Varun's love blossomed subtly, with Pakhi being the more expressive and verbal one, and Varun, the restrained and silent lover.The reason for Varun's silence was understood later, when he disappears on the morning of his engagement with Pakhi. The story here takes an exigent turn when Pakhi and the zamindar discover they have been conned by Varun.

The later half of the movie is set in the snowy mountains of Dalhousie. There has been a passage of time, and Pakhi is now no more a chirpy bubbly young lady, but a matured individual and a writer. By providence divine, Pakhi and Varun meet again, and the incomplete love they had left behind years ago sees completion.

The Performance :

Lootera saw two very strong actors make their way through the movie. Ranveer Singh is a lot more than a wedding planner or a ladies' man and Sonakshi is definitely a lot more than a Dabangg girl. Sonakshi looked stunning with her kohl rimmed eyes and resembled the actresses from the 1960s. Ranveer with his back-brushed slick hair and the innocent charm is someone whom one should watch out for. They complemented each other with looks, performance and on screen chemistry. 

The Tailpiece :

The movie is a delight to watch. The songs are well blended with the scenes and do not stand out like a canker. The background music is mesmerizing, creating an aura of beauty. A movie of drama, thrill, emotions, love, betrayal and hatred, this is a highly recommended watch for all. 

Sunday, July 14, 2013

The First Crush


Her adept fingers crafted a boat with the letter. A letter to her crush, her first. She cycled up to his house, the last in the water-logged lane. Cautiously, she placed the boat on the still water near his  door. 

She was certain her love boat shall reach him.

She had used waterproof ink.

This post is written for the 55 Fictionist Contest, hosted by IndiBlosp. Also shared with Write Tribe - The Ultimate Blog Challenge - Day 14

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

The Search


Panting, sweating, she had been running all over the house. She had to find it before Tony called out for her. Under the bed, behind the shoe case, in the balcony - she even checked the bath tub, just in case. She looked around frantically.

Oh no! She could hear Tony!

"Fetch Daisy, fetch the ball."

Monday, July 8, 2013

If I Could Catch a Rainbow


If I could catch a rainbow,
I would bring it down to you,
So that I can keep you close,
And never say adieu.

If I could catch a rainbow,
I'd bathe it with our love,
I'd let it paint your smile
Before putting back above.

If I could catch a rainbow,
I'd seal it with a kiss,
So when you look above,
It's me who you'll never miss.

But I cannot catch a rainbow,
Though something I can attest,
I shall hold your hand forever,
A friend I shall be the best.

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Dance


"Dance with me," she said.

And they danced. Danced through the night, till the wee hours of morning, even after the music had stopped and the floor had become empty. Everything around them had turned sublime, barring her sweet fragrance and his strong cologne. They embraced, they waltzed, they whispered sweet nothings in each others' ears - they looked hopelessly in love. 

They had lost count of the hours, the dancing bodies seeked solace. And then things changed. His love struck heart ached. He could feel her drift away from his embrace. Their dancing bodies had become still, their entwined fingers became loose. She was moving away, he did not want to let go off her. He tried to hold her back, but then, darkness engulfed him, and she was gone. 


She silently tucked the gun between the folds of her gown, glanced at his cold lifeless body and walked out. Her revenge had been taken.

Thursday, July 4, 2013

Things to do before I die


Recently I watched a Bollywood flick called Anjaana Anjaani where the movie opened with the dreamy-eyed hero and the charming heroine deciding to commit suicide together on a particular New Years Eve. With an odd twenty days in their pockets, they decide to "do things before they die". And this gave me the idea of creating my own wishlist of "Things to do before I die".

  1. Have my own house and decorate it the way I want. 
  2. Be the boss - retire early with lots of cash!
  3. Learn to play a musical instrument, maybe a guitar.
  4. Go on a month long vacation to Europe.
  5. Transform into an awesome cook.
  6. Learn to speak a new language fluently.
  7. Sleep under the stars.
  8. Travel to new places.
  9. Publish a book of fictions.
  10. Learn to fly kites.
  11. Speak in front of an audience without having shaky knees.
  12. Be successfully self employed.
  13. Get and maintain a perfect hairstyle.
  14. Solve a Rubik's cube; fast.
  15. Go to a fortune teller/palm reader/ crystal ball gazer - just for fun! (I do not believe in any of these)
I shall keep updating this list with new passions and desires. And strike off the ones I achieve in life! How about sharing the things you would like to do?

Tuesday, July 2, 2013

An Accidental Kiss

The Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 2

Gentle touch, brush akin,
Skin to skin.
A moment's passion,
Sudden gone.
A kiss was it? Or accident?

Trembling lips,
A heartbeat skips.
A moment's dawn,
Sudden gone.
A kiss was it? Or accident?

Warmth in eyes,
The twinkle implies.
Ah! what bliss,
An accidental kiss.

Monday, July 1, 2013

The Smallest Things

The Ultimate Blog Challenge Day 1

It was that day in the year which made Oli happy. The gloomy monsoons had finally taken leave and the morning had bathed in the amalgamated beauty of the cobalt sky and the golden sunshine. It was the first weekend of autumn, and each year Ma gets out the old iron trunk on such afternoons to put all its contents out in the sun. To get rid of the monsoon dampness, she says.

The big old iron trunk - it is placed in the storeroom on the terrace. Ma says the trunk belonged to Oli's father's grandmother. She had received it as a wedding present. A now rusty brown box, embossed with floral motifs, it surely was once a beauty.

Ma drags the heavy trunk out to the terrace with Shyamali mashi's help. She flings the lid open and starts taking out the old items one at a time. Oli is glued beside her, not ready to miss any of the things that come out of the treasure chest! A silk blanket, moth-eaten at places, yet nice and soft. Her mother's wedding benarasi. The red had faded at places, but the golden zari border still glistened is the afternoon sun. Then out came Baba's Kashmiri shawl, Dadu's silver paan box, his old books - with silverfish marking the pages. There was a hand-fan, the ones which are made from Taal pata or palm leaves, with colourful motifs painted on it. More of her mother's sarees, Thamma's spectacle box, Dadu's hookah - gradually all of these were kept out in the sun. But what made Oli the happiest, was her first dress that Ma sewed when she was born. A tiny white dress with tiny red roses embroidered all over.  Oli pressed it to her cheeks for a long long time and inhaled deep. The naphthalene smell - the smell of a day twenty five years back.

Oli felt a strange pang of nostalgia. So much of memories, all locked up in a box. Probably that's what made the box so heavy. This winter she will be married and flying to the US of A with Amit. Oli realised that this yearly ritual was something that she will miss when she leaves this house. Given a chance, she would love to carry the whole box of memories with her. And on lonely afternoons in the new country, when Amit would be at work, she could just inhale and imbibe the old times.

The rusty old trunk, the inviting smell of naphthalene balls, the silverfish running in and out, the yellowed pages of the hard cover books - sometimes the smallest things take up the most room in your heart - Oli let out a deep sigh.

Ma - Mother
Baba - Father
Mashi - Aunt
Dadu - Grandfather
Thamma - Grandmother